Friday, October 29, 2010

Prossesing Black and White Photos

1. A metal or plastic film tank,Three dark plastic containers to hold chemistry, Graduates (used to measure chemicals), A darkroom timer, A can opener and, A room that is totally light proof (not even the slightest sliver of light should be visible)
2.), Developer (see other sidebar), Glacial Acetic Acid (optional, for Stop Bath), Fixer (Kodak Rapid Fixer with Hardener is highly recommended) and, Hypo Eliminator.
3.) Remove the film from the cassette. Load the film onto either a metal or plastic film reel. Place the loaded reel in the film tank ad cover. Posses film by laying out the chemicals in front of you: a film developer (nickname: soup), a stop bath, and a fixer with hardener, and a hypo eliminator bath. Most film is processed between 65 and 75 degrees. Pour developer into the open part of the sealed film tank. Pour running water into the pour spout for one minute to stop development let the film sit in that for 30 seconds to wash off the developer. Pour in a tankful of Hypo Eliminator (also called Hypo Clearing Agent) and agitate for two minutes. One final wash, for five minutes. In about 1-2 hours, the film will be dry. Use scissors to cut the film into strips six negatives long. Be careful to cut the film in the space between the images.

1. Contact sheet- a contact print, usually of all frames of a developed roll of negative print film, used as a proof print.
2. Enlarger- an apparatus used for making projection prints, having a head for holding, illuminating, and projecting a film negative and a bed for holding a sheet of sensitized printing paper.
3. Developer- a reducing agent or solution for developing a film or the like.
4. Stop Bath
5. Fixer

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What the pros are doing - repition

American Soldier

  The most powerful image would have to be the photo with Ian laying on a bed with a phone held up to his ear in one hand and a shot gun in the other. because it shows how different Ian's life has changed sense he signed up into the army. The most powerful sequence of photos in my opinion  would be life in Iraq. Because it documents what's really going on out there for not just Ian but all our American soldiers. Each photo is placed uniquely to where they all flow and work together to tel a story. The photo's are in present tense. The captions enhance the photographs by how they don't say to much about the obvious but more of the background story of the photo.

Under "Chapter 7: Life in Iraq" group of photos, look at the thirteenth photo.
 Ian couldn't help but  stay up to write a letter too his fiance while his room mate, Bobby, is watching an old t.v. show he used to watch back at home.

t ways are photos better than videos? Provide an example from the Denver Post Web site.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Funny Captions

Mr. Grouchy pants here is getting a nice afternoon bath in the kitchen sink as a punishment for being lazy and totally useless. Just early this morning a rat had a gotten into the kitchen and eaten just a little bit of everything in the pantry, later when the Loyd family had gotten home they had found Mr.Grouchy Pants laying comfortably in his bed next to the pantry.

Bobby is experiencing what it's like to play in the snow for the first time this morning in late November at a local park with his friends. Bobby had just moved from the San Diego zoo and all his new friends found him very different but now they realize he's just one of them.
Lola is stuck in a car with her family on their way to Colorado from California and it's been about two whole days sense they left and the got one day to go. You see Lola didn't even want to go on the trip in the first place, the only reason they're going is to go see family that they have out there and Lola isn't the best of friends with her cousins

Monday, October 18, 2010

Marlboro Marine

Skills that Luis Sinco has shown other than his photography work would be how he could really see the story in this and understand what's going on in this man's life. They aren't just photographs there's far more to it and Luis got all that in his photos, editing, auto, and text, to make them more than just photos. The effects of the multimedia effects of  the slide show was emotion and a sense of understanding and being there in that situation with the marine. The most powerful image from the slide show was the photo with the marine in the back and a gun in full focus sitting on the counter. Because it shows the real importance of his condition. The sequence of photographs that were the most powerful, were th ones with his wife before she left when you can just see their stress in the photographs. To be honest when I was looking through this slidshow I was watching it with out sound so it was just the pictures telling the story, so to me the audio didn't enhance the photographs at all and it didn't need to. What made the images work together to tell a story, was the way that each one was timed and how they were arranged. For example if you would have shown the pictures of the soldier with out his wife when she had left and then following have a picture when they were together it wouldn't have played out.

Friday, October 8, 2010

This picture is interesting and caught my eye because of the position the player is in. That's what i love about athletic photos because you can see what you usually see in athletics but its in still life, like in the photo you cant see that the OU player is falling but hasn't even hit the ground yet and the UT player is also falling in the most awkward position.

Georgetown RV park floods as remnants of Hermine reach central Texas.

Georgetown RV park floods as remnants of Hermine reach central Texas.

PIEA Photo Contest

What makes the photo powerful is the emotion in the photo, the bright lighting but the photo's in black and white, and how everything is fit in the frame.

ATPI Self Portrait Contest

What makes the photo powerful is the the shape that the people are in in the photo, the angle its taken at, the dim lighting, and how the reflection of the people in the photo is most of the content in the photo.

ATPI Fall Contest

What makes the photo powerful is the large reflective object that takes up most of the space in the picture, the bright lighting, and most of the content in the photo is just a reflection of the object.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

What first caught my eye when looking at Mezyerowitz's photos was all the activity going on around the frame but in all of his photos he has one focus.And what he chose to focus on is somthing that we in the real world find ourselves passing by or not even noticing.

I see, A bridge in a park with random people, a boy jumping off the bridge, and a blind man in the right side of the picture.I smell, fresh air.I hear, people talking and kids laughing. I taste a sweet loly pop that im sucking on while walking through the park. I feel the fresh breeze running through my hair and water splash as the kids are playing in the water

 I see, a busy little town with young children and parents walking around and in the right hand corner of the picture it shows an old blind man just sitting and relaxing. I smell, gasoline coming from the moving cars driving by. I hear, People and children yelling and talking to each other. I taste, a nice ice tea while observing the scene. I feel, the energy and busyness going on around me

Monday, October 4, 2010

Filling the frame

This frame is filed with the band conductor, what the conductor is standing on, the football field, the band and the bleachers and stadium light.

Action and Emotion

               There is a great amount of emotion although there isn't as much action as there is emotion. But you can tell in the photo that action had to be involved, and you can see this by the emotion in the photo

The Story

In the photograph you can see that there's a band playing on the stage. You have you lead singer, your lead guitarist, and your base player. Although this pictures story is a little mysterious because the identity of the band members aren't shown, and neither is the bands audience.